The Prince With No Throne

“I have my friends,” he said, and these friends include the owner of a natural wine bar, a painter and a puppeteer for the opera. ‘I Get to Live a Different Life’ There is, of course, the complex reality that the most traumatic event to happen to his family — losing the empire — is…

I Asked ChatGPT to Be My Stylist

(In fairness to the bot, it also said several times that work dress codes can vary, and that if I was unsure about mine, I should check with a supervisor or H.R. department.) I started asking about other types of clothing that I’ve worn in the workplace. When I described the midthigh-length dress I wore…

Seeking a Lover, Not a Nurse

My suspicions were once strong enough to ask if a friend had feelings, and I was sorely mistaken. At first, I was happy, because all I had wanted was clarity, and I figured we were close enough for him to know he didn’t like me. But lately I have pondered his unquestioned clarity. I am…