The Treasure Behind the Wall

Alex Bolen, the chief executive of Oscar de la Renta, planned to have his new store in Paris open around this week, just in time for the couture shows. He planned to have a presence in the city even if he didn’t have a show. He had it all figured out. Then, last summer, in…

A New Designer Is Named to Reinvent Lanvin

The restructuring of Lanvin, the oldest French fashion house in continuous existence and one built on the premise of classic femininity and strength, is finally complete. On Monday, the brand’s new owner, the Chinese conglomerate Fosun International, and its new chief executive, Jean-Philippe Hecquet, named their new creative director: Bruno Sialelli, a relative unknown from…

How concussions may lead to epilepsy

VIDEO: This is video with a 3D reconstructed confocal image of reactive astrogliosis in the cortex of a mouse following diffuse traumatic brain injury. GFP – green; GFAP – red; Dapi – blue. view more  Researchers have identified a cellular response to repeated concussions that may contribute to seizures in mice like those observed following traumatic…

Mice pass on brain benefits of enriched upbringing to offspring

IMAGE: Figure 1. Ocular dominance (OD)-plasticity is preserved in primary visual cortex (V1) of old enriched environment (EE)-mice view more  Mice growing up in a basic cage maintain lifelong visual cortex plasticity if their parents were raised in an environment that promoted social interaction and physical and mental stimulation, according to a multigenerational study published in…