36 Hours: 36 Hours in Salvador, Brazil

More than anywhere else in this multiethnic country, Salvador is steeped in Afro-Brazilian culture — from the worship of Yoruba deities (orixás), to the acrobatic practice of capoeira, to a cuisine tinged with deep orange dendê oil and smoldering with a stronger dose of hot peppers than the delicate-tongued rest of the country can handle.…

9 Reasons to Date a Writer

A writer is one of the sexiest images of an ideal man. He is often responsible, creative, and in need of love just like any other romantic guy. Surprisingly, a lot of women believe that a male writer absolutely does not know how to build a relationship, and this occupation does not seem attractive to…

A Race Against Space

“He wouldn’t want to live like this.” The cardiology team consulted us that Sunday evening. A patient was getting sleepy, and weak on one side. The man was 68 years old, not a healthy man, but a strong man. He had suffered a heart attack, again, and had been transferred from another hospital. Because he’d…