A Few Words of Thanksgiving Advice

Good morning. We’ll get to the recipes soon enough, to this insanely good macaroni and cheese (above), to Julia Moskin’s hashed brussels sprouts, to gravy instruction and a whole lot more. This is perhaps the time you need recipes most, of any time of year. But there are two important points to make before we…

Love Over Labels

Most of the time, I have no idea what Mohammed is saying when I hear him on the phone with his family in Morocco. But I feel a sense of comfort in his elevated tone and unfamiliar words often laced with laughter and strung together to form an Arabic conversation that my daughter and I…

How Spices Have Made, and Unmade, Empires

IN THE HILLY Boaco region of central Nicaragua, the turmeric plants on Celia Dávila and Gonzalo González’s farm stand over four feet tall — thriving giants, although as natives of South and Southeast Asia, they’re actually newcomers to this land. Coffee once ruled these fields, but as its price has grown unstable, smallholder farmers like…