Distracted at the Tea Ceremony

My fiancée, Meredith, and I were sitting crossed-legged on cushions around a low wooden table with the tea ceremonialist and two other young women. Now and then, a gray cat jumped onto our laps. The tea ceremonialist took a black pot from an electric heater and poured the liquid into our ceramic mugs. We contemplated…

El teléfono que nos separó

Lo que nos separó estaba sobre una mesa en la sala del tribunal: un teléfono. Como dijo el juez para que constara en el acta, yo comparecía en mi divorcio “por teléfono”. Eso fue hace 17 años, antes de que existiera Zoom. Desde mi casa en Oakland, California, a 3218 kilómetros del tribunal del Medio…

The Crookie Delights Paris

All it took for the crookie to take shape was a baker looking for a diversion, his time-tested croissant recipe and a few cookies for inspiration. It took TikTok to make it go viral. Stéphane Louvard created the crookie almost a year and a half ago when he came up with the idea of putting…