Ways to prevent gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that can occur during pregnancy. It is not always possible to prevent it, but a pregnant woman can take steps to reduce her risk. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), gestational diabetes develops in approximately 2–10% of pregnancies in the United States each year.…

One Woman’s Guide to Breaking Up

Recovering after heartbreak is about boundaries, space and finding yourself. Kris Drewry doesn’t consider herself an expert in breakups, but she is confident that she is better at breakups than you are. After her first marriage fell apart, the image she’d carefully constructed for herself as a modern-day Martha Stewart — the sort who was…

Eat : The Evolution of Curried Rice

Paul Carmichael, the chef at Momofuku Seiobo in Sydney, grew up in St. James Parish, Barbados, on the west side of the island. His mother woke early on Sundays to prepare the lunch they’d eat after church. One of his favorites, he told me recently: lamb, the meat folded into a cast-iron pot, marinated in…