Knowing Natchez by Its Dead

Make your way around Natchez, Miss., and you get the sense that if some people ever got really close to living like European aristocrats in the United States, it happened there. The town, which overlooks the Mississippi River, has perhaps the greatest concentration of splendid antebellum mansions in the country. “Economic historians will tell you…

Meet the Women Who Built Hudson Yards

Shoveled and drilled from a former rail depot, Hudson Yards is now a repository for shiny things instead: Dior, Tory Burch, and Cartier are all part of the megalith, which also boasts new restaurants, office buildings for L’Oréal and Tapestry, and 14 acres of urban gardens. (In the surest sign of its longevity and popular…

5 Places: Five Places to Shop Around Mumbai

Bandra, an artsy Mumbai suburb on the Arabian Sea, is a favorite of the city’s creative set and counts Bollywood stars, film producers, artists and designers among its residents. Old bungalows in varying stages of dilapidation and colorful graffiti murals adorning the walls of cafes and shops lend a bohemian feel to the area, about…

Night Shifts May Raise the Risk of Miscarriage

Pregnant women who work night shifts may have an increased risk for miscarriage. Researchers studied 22,744 pregnant Danish women, tracking their work schedules and hospital admissions for miscarriage using government databases. The study, in Occupational & Environmental Medicine, found that after eight weeks of pregnancy, women who had worked two or more night shifts during…