Medical News Today: What are the nutritional benefits of peanuts?

Peanuts have a strong nutritional profile. They are an excellent source of plant-based protein, fiber, and many key vitamins and minerals. Peanuts come in many forms, including roasted, salted, chocolate-coated, and as peanut butter. Different types have different nutritional profiles and various health benefits. Along with their healthful nutritional profile, peanuts are a calorie-rich food,…

36 Hours: 36 Hours in Mendocino County

Ninety miles north of San Francisco, Mendocino County is just faraway enough to have narrowly escaped the Bay Area’s radical transformation during the tech boom years. In contrast to other formerly quiet Northern California backwaters, Mendocino maintains its rural identity and eccentricities, including its longstanding status as one of the country’s major marijuana-producing regions. Where…