Quick Fall Pasta Recipes

Hi, all! Genevieve here, filling in for Emily Weinstein and realizing that almost exactly a year ago, I wrote about how pasta was all I wanted for dinner. Maybe it’s the season — a little chill in the air, a lot of too much going on — that calls for tender noodles. Also, it’s only…

Louis Vuitton Strikes Another Major Deal in Sports

Louis Vuitton’s takeover of the sporting world continues apace: Next August, shortly after the LVMH-sponsored Summer Olympic Games end in Paris, the Louis Vuitton-sponsored America’s Cup will begin in Barcelona. America’s Cup, the world’s most prestigious sailing yacht competition, was last sponsored by Louis Vuitton in 2017. Since 1983, the fashion brand had also sponsored…

Inside Roz Chast’s Connecticut Home

For years after she moved to Connecticut from New York, Roz Chast had recurring dreams about her beloved post-college apartment on West 73rd Street. The storyline and set design of those reveries varied, but she was always on the street where she had lived. “There would be things like, I would go into the building…