19 Things We Know About Betty Catroux

Few more compelling figures have emerged from the rarefied world of French fashion than Betty Catroux, who claims to have no interest in the subject. Her stark and androgynous style has been aped by imitators and cited as an inspiration by countless designers. She has long been the subject of endless speculation about what lies…

Stop Touching Your Face!

Want to improve your chance of staying healthy? Stop touching your face! One of the more difficult challenges in public health has been to teach people to wash their hands frequently and to stop touching the facial mucous membranes — the eyes, nose and mouth, all entry portals for the new coronavirus and…

Translational Research Day in Boston to highlight broadly engaged team science

BOSTON – Tufts Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) will host Translational Research Day 2020: Broadly-Engaged Team Science on Friday, March 6. The event brings together researchers, clinicians, community partners, and the public for: A keynote address by Sharon Terry, CEO of Genetic Alliance, on building research teams for impact on health Scientific talks on…