My Brother, the Traveler

“You’ve been a traveler,” my brother James said, confident that I understood why he was riding the rails that summer. Mist from the fountain beside Trinity Church blew on our faces. Like two weathervanes, we both turned to face into it. He was in Boston for the night and planned to hop another train just…

How diet may lead to insomnia

Insomnia can have a serious impact on a person’s health and well-being. Now, a study of females aged 50 and over has found that some parts of the diet most likely contribute to this sleep disorder. Share on PinterestThe findings of a new study suggest that refined carbohydrates contribute to insomnia among older females. Insomnia…

It Wasn’t Me He Wanted

Running my hands down my jeans as I waited for a drink, I thought, “Can a 22-year-old even be underdressed?” In my corduroy blazer and dark-washed jeans, I was the youngest person in this Boston theater by a generation, the seemingly lone millennial delegate for an evening meet-and-greet with Fran Lebowitz before her onstage conversation.…

Breast-conserving treatment without surgery not supported at this time

SAN ANTONIO, TX – Results from NRG Oncology’s BR005 study show that breast-conserving treatment without surgery cannot be recommended, based on the study criteria of clinical complete response, radiological complete response (rCR)/near rCR, and negative tumor bed biopsies. These findings were presented at the 2019 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, held December 10-14. This phase…

NIH renews funding for the Antibacterial Resistance Leadership Group

As antibiotic-resistant bacteria become more urgent threats worldwide, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health, will provide up to $102.5 million in renewed funding over seven years for the Antibacterial Resistance Leadership Group (ARLG). This global consortium of scientific experts leads a comprehensive clinical research network…