Finger Sandwiches Save the Day

If you’re a film buff, it’s impossible not to love the 1934 movie “The Thin Man,” which stars Myrna Loy, playing the part of Nora Charles, wife to William Powell’s Nick. Based on Dashiell Hammett’s crime novel of the same name, the movie follows the glamorous life of the couple as they pursue murder clues…

A Newcomer to Christmas Creates a Very Old Eggnog

Growing up Jewish in Oklahoma City, Aaron Goldfarb encountered few opportunities to drink eggnog during the holiday season. But romance can change a person’s circumstances. “I married a woman who loves the holidays,” said Mr. Goldfarb, who writes about beer, whiskey and cocktails for publications like Esquire and Punch. His book “Gather Around Cocktails” (Dovetail,…