A Grill Big Enough for a Yak

Before you fire up the Weber, you might want to take a trip to Ironbound Farm in Asbury, in Hunterdon County, N.J., where Charles Rosen, the owner, has completed construction of a monumental grill. Mr. Rosen calls it the “mother fire” and considers it the crowning touch at his farm, cidery, winery and tasting room.…

Just Add Peaches

Stephen and Jessica Rose couldn’t find juicy, fragrant fresh peaches in Nashville, where they settled as newlyweds, so they did something about it. In 2012 the couple bought bushels of peaches — Mr. Rose is from Fort Valley, Ga., and was familiar with Pearson Farm there — loaded the fruit in a 1964 Jeep Gladiator…

A Probiotic for Obesity?

People with obesity-related disorders may benefit from supplements of a common gut bacterium, a small pilot study suggests. Researchers tested the bacterium, Akkermansia muciniphila, in 32 men and women who met the criteria for metabolic syndrome by having at least three of five conditions: high fasting blood sugar, high blood pressure, high triglycerides, low HDL…

Summer Blockbusters

Good morning. I hate to be a bummer but daylight’s burning and the year’s half over and if this thing of ours were a rom-com, we’d be deep in Act II: rising action, higher stakes. Something’s gotta give! Before long, we’ll be buying the kids new Buster Browns and planning out school lunches, soccer practices,…