Pastis Reopens After a Five-Year Hiatus

Headliner Pastis There’s no restaurateur better at channeling time-worn French bistros and brasseries than Keith McNally. Now, he has recreated one of his own restaurants, Pastis, moving it around the corner from the original and recycling tiles, mirrors and other vintage details that were kept in storage during its five-year hiatus. Even the phone number…

A Chef Plunges Into Mexican Politics

SAN FRANCISCO — Gabriela Cámara is having a very good year. Five years after she moved to the United States from her native Mexico, she is at the tipping point of world culinary fame. Her 20-year-old restaurant, Contramar, is both a beloved institution and a power-lunch destination: the Union Square Cafe of Mexico City. Her…

A Stand-Up Example of Sit-Down Pizza

One of the ways people pretend to be sophisticated about restaurants these days is by claiming that the New York City dining scene has lost its edge. The sheer number of restaurants in the city — about 27,000, according to the health inspectors — makes the argument absurd. How many of them are slipping? All…