Front Burner: Caribbean Flavors, Bottled

Advertisement Front Burner A family’s sauce line ranges in spice from deeply punchy to closer to pesto. Image CreditCreditSonny Figueroa/The New York Times Sept. 4, 2018 Mavis Davis, her niece Debra Sandler and grandniece Kiah Sandler, all of whom have roots in Trinidad and Venezuela, have formed a company with the expertise of a chef,…

Front Burner: Let This Honey Cake Impress You

Advertisement Front Burner In the hands of Alessandra Altieri Lopez of Bouchon Bakery, the confection rises above its fruitcake reputation. Image CreditCreditTony Cenicola/The New York Times Sept. 4, 2018 Honey cake is to Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year, as fruitcake is to Christmas, a routine necessity. But in the hands of Alessandra Altieri Lopez,…

Front Burner: Delaney Chicken Crosses the River

Advertisement Front Burner The sandwich shop is opening a stand at the DeKalb Market Hall in Downtown Brooklyn. Image The fried chicken sandwich from Delaney Chicken.CreditCreditMatthew Kanbergs Sept. 4, 2018 Why is the fried chicken sandwich crossing the East River? For Daniel Delaney’s bird, it’s to find a home at the DeKalb Market Hall in…

What causes pinkish-brown discharge?

The color of a person’s vaginal discharge can say a lot about their health. Some people may worry if their discharge is pinkish-brown, but many different factors can cause this. Pinkish-brown discharge or spotting is common around the time of a person’s period, but it can also happen at other times because of ovulation, pregnancy,…

HPV and breastfeeding: What to know

Human papillomavirus or HPV is a sexually transmitted infection or STI with links to some types of cancer, including cervical and throat cancer. Breastfeeding women may worry about spreading the virus to babies through breast milk. But, for most women with HPV, breastfeeding is safe, and the benefits outweigh any potential risks. In this article,…

Strategies for Long-Distance Caregiving

Divide and conquer. If, like me, you are fortunate enough to have a sibling or other close family members, Ms. Whitehead suggests dividing the caregiving tasks. This could mean that one person focuses on finances while another handles the medical aspects. Stay connected. It’s hard enough keeping track of our own schedules, let alone managing…

The Menopausal Vagina Monologues

A recent 12-week study in JAMA Internal Medicine of 302 postmenopausal women found that estrogen (in the form of Vagifem, a vaginal tablet) was about as effective as a vaginal moisturizer (Replens) or a placebo tablet or gel in providing relief. “Estrogen is not some sort of miracle for everyone,” though for some, “I think…