A High School Romance Goes the Distance

Although they attended the same high school in Rochester Hills, Mich., Julia Marie Gerard and Adam Edward Romund never crossed paths until their senior year. They were placed in the same personal finance class and became fast friends. The two began spending more time together outside of class, attempting to prepare for their A.P. calculus…

My Bad-Times-Only Boyfriend

I wanted to hide. With my bald head and saliva-caked cheeks, I hadn’t had enough time to gauge my tolerance for being seen by someone I once wanted to find me pretty. “Dad,” I said, “this is my friend Kevin.” I didn’t try to explain our history to my father. The only clear memory I…

New Year, Very Old Restaurants

Happy new year. January is usually a month of fresh starts and new chapters. But to tell you the truth, I’m not ready to face the future yet. I don’t know if it’s the short afternoons, the feeble sunshine, the chafing wind or just a creeping dread of what might be down the road. But…

Year of the Vegetable

Optimism abounds this time of year, the temporal fresh start a necessary reminder of our own potential for improvement, for clarity, for fulfillment. Last week, I encouraged readers to share their resolutions for the new year. I was moved by their buoyancy, particularly this note, from Suzanne: “I’m still forming my dreams and goals for…