A Previvor’s Tale

I remember screaming at the top of my lungs on my way to get my first mammogram a few days later. The story of my life was outlined for me now — only problem was, it was a horror movie. They called me a “previvor,” and from a medical risk-management perspective, there was no difference…

Paris Florist Focuses on the Strange

PARIS — Last year Domitille Basso traded a flourishing career in high fashion for the quieter charms of floral design. Fashion caught up with her anyway. In April, arrangements by her company, Thyrse, appeared in the pages of Italian Vogue. Her first employer, Louis Vuitton, has become a regular client. So have Lanvin, Guerlain, the…

Pottery That Gets Its Colors by Chance

BAURAVILLA, Ireland — Sinéad Fagan credits the beginning of her award-winning career in ceramics to a book. In 1993, Ms. Fagan was 19 and thinking about studying ceramics when she borrowed “The Encyclopedia of Pottery Techniques” by Peter Cosentino from a local library. “It’s the Bible for potters,” said Ms. Fagan, 48. “It was well…

At Boucheron, Even Asbestos is Precious

“One of the challenges was finding a way to collaborate with people from an entirely different universe compared to traditional métiers,” Ms. Goncalves said. “It wasn’t simple, but no one closed the door on us. I think they were rather curious to see what would come of it.” The result was incorporated into the Jack…

Greta Gerwig, in the Pink

Mr. Baumbach said he’s not immune to competitive feelings, but dryly noted: “I’ve been in a ton of therapy.” He continued, “If I show her something I’m writing, or I show her a cut or something I’m working on that she’s not directly involved in, the highest compliment she pays is, she says, ‘I’m jealous.’”…