Are There Any Alternative Prom Dresses?

My 18-year-old daughter has a strong sense of style, but passionately hates any kind of conventional, commercial, glitzy fashion, and needs a prom dress. She thinks it should be ankle-length and not too clingy. She usually buys her clothes in secondhand stores, or on the street. The hand-me-downs from my own closet, some of them…

How the Catsuit Clawed Its Way to the Top

Diana Rigg, as Emma Peel, wore one. So did Britney Spears and nearly every Catwoman from Julie Newmar to Zoë Kravitz. By turns fetishistic and innocent, futuristic and throwback-worthy, the modern-day catsuit came into being when designer John Sutcliffe introduced the style for bikers in the ‘50s. It went from fun, liberatory garment to slick…

How Ben Got His Penis

When Bluebond-Langner started her rounds, she says, older surgeons warned, “Be careful what you’re known for.” Unheeding, she started assembling the training she would need to perform top surgery, vaginoplasty, phalloplasty and metoidioplasty (a less involved surgery that constructs a smaller penis using only the natal tissue of the clitoris). This training took her all…