A Good Kind of Upstaging

It’s usually rare that anyone upstages Stephen S. Miller, or Mama Rose as he’s known in some corners of the New York theater world. Outgoing and charismatic, he tends to be center of attention wherever he goes, even when he’s not wielding a microphone as a cabaret performer. By contrast, Brian Geldin, is more of…

Decluttering for a Renovation

But I am nearly out of time, and have to make speedy decisions about, say, the melon scooper that I didn’t even know I owned until I dug through this drawer. And the extra apple slicer. For some inexplicable reason we own two — but maybe one will break, so do we keep the spare?…

Where Your Watermelon Came From

“We are really confident in saying this is the closest relative,” Dr. Chomicki said. The Kordofan melon and the modern watermelon most likely arose from a long-ago wild melon, the results suggest. Farmers would have realized this melon was sweeter than others and bred it into new, tasty varieties. Researchers still don’t know, however, who…