Cook Through This

Good morning. How are you? It’s been nine months of this for a lot of us, and even if the vaccine news is good, it’s not like we’ll be crowding into Katz’s for pastrami any time soon. We’re exhausted. We’re exhausted by so much: anxiety, grief, employment worries, childcare issues, food insecurity, general uneasiness about…

Leave It in ‘Early Quar’?

As the United States braces for a long Covid winter, many people have been reflecting on the early spring, when the first wave of shutdowns transformed work, leisure and social life overnight. Millions of Americans, stuck at home from mid-March through the spring, threw themselves into digital distractions and ancient hobbies, intermittently checking social media…

Shopping for Firewood Holders

If you’re lucky enough to have a wood-burning fireplace, you can look forward to one of winter’s most enjoyable activities: spending cozy nights around the hearth. But a roaring fire requires plenty of wood, and somewhere to put it. That makes one accessory — the log holder — especially useful at this time of year.…

Improving Your Balance to Prevent Falls

As Mr. Locker, now 70, explained, “The exercises in Postural Retraining use the body’s own weight to prompt the postural muscles to balance the body.” The exercises are isometric; there is no movement. Rather, postural muscles are tensed and the tension is sustained as long as possible, which builds the strength of both muscles and…

GSA publishes three new research articles on COVID-19 and aging

The Gerontological Society of America’s highly cited, peer-reviewed journals are continuing to publish scientific articles on COVID-19. The following were published between November 16 and December 2; all are free to access: Living Alone During COVID-19: Social Contact and Emotional Well-Being among Older Adults: Research: report in The Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences…