Tips on Fall Garden Cleanup

In the fall, it used to be you cleaned up every last leaf like mad. It was considered good garden sanitation. But now we know otherwise: That’s bad for the environment, killing beneficial insects that love all the leaf litter, which keeps them warm during the winter, and interrupting the food web. If we arm…

A Smarter Fall Cleanup

In the fall, it used to be you cleaned up every last leaf like mad. It was considered good garden sanitation. But now we know otherwise: That’s bad for the environment, killing beneficial insects that love all the leaf litter, which keeps them warm during the winter, and interrupting the food web. If we arm…

Jewel Wants You to Be Present

Jewel, the singer-songwriter, has four pieces of advice when dealing with anxiety: “One is: turn off the news,” she said. “Two is: watch what the environment and the mood that is in your house. Three is: start a gratitude practice. I’d say four is: learn to meditate.” Jewel, 46, who gained fame at the age…