Healing the Whole Family

The night I submitted my college applications, I lay in bed and stared out my window for hours. I prayed to the moon that I would die soon. On paper, I looked perfect (at least to the adults who told me so): a perfect SAT score in one try, three perfect SAT II subject tests,…

Herd immunity an impractical strategy, study finds

Achieving herd immunity to COVID-19 is an impractical public health strategy, according to a new model developed by University of Georgia scientists. The study recently appeared in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Controlling COVID-19 has presented public health policymakers with a conundrum: How to prevent overwhelming their health care infrastructure, while avoiding major…

Johns Hopkins researchers publish COVID-19 ‘prediction model’

Using a combination of demographic and clinical data gathered from seven weeks of COVID-19 patient care early in the coronavirus pandemic, Johns Hopkins researchers today published a “prediction model” they say can help other hospitals care for COVID-19 patients — and make important decisions about planning and resource allocations. Brian Garibaldi, M.D., associate professor of…