Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation awards fellowships to 15 young scientists

Grants totaling nearly $3.5 million give early career investigators independence to pursue brave and bold cancer research. Fifteen scientists from across the country were named Damon Runyon Fellows. The recipients of this prestigious, four-year award are outstanding postdoctoral scientists conducting basic and translational cancer research in the laboratories of leading senior investigators. The Fellowship encourages…

Mandatory country-wide BCG vaccination found to correlate with slower growth rates of COVID-19 cases

Scientists have found that countries with mandatory Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccination until at least the year 2000 tended to exhibit slower infection and death rates during the first 30 days of the outbreak of COVID-19 in their country. By applying a statistical model based on their findings, the researchers further estimated that only 468 people…