Kitchen Confidential: Three Culinary Memoirs

Image EVERYTHING IS UNDER CONTROL A Memoir With Recipes By Phyllis Grant 256 pp. Farrar, Straus & Giroux. $25. Culinary memoirs tend to follow templates — the life-altering bite; the singed forearms at the hands of a tyrannical kitchen overlord — so to find one with a truly distinct perspective is thrilling. In epigrammatic, nearly…

How to Be a Good Neighbor Now

We walk the dogs across the meadow in the rain. We don’t talk much. We say the same things over and over, and yet somehow there’s comfort in the repetition. Yesterday someone wrote on the town listserv that certain dog owners had been spotted in the meadow less than six feet away from each other.…

Love Letter: Living With Loneliness

The coronavirus pandemic has forced many of us into isolation; now family gatherings and weekend brunches with friends are a thing of the past. While we’re all finding ways to cope — and maybe even trying to channel some optimism — living alone presents its own unique challenges (and possibly benefits too!). If you’re one…