A Salad for When You’re Out of Lettuce

All those long-lasting, juicy vegetables in my fridge — the celery, radishes, fennel, turnips, carrots — have come in handy these past weeks (four, but, hey, who’s counting?). They’ve kept me rich in salad when the lettuces run out between market runs. The trick is to turn these sturdy roots practically into gossamer — or…

5 Quick and Easy Pasta Recipes

Some people are perfecting their laminated pastry, their sourdough boules or, at the very least, simmering through their stash of dried beans. But others of us are relearning multiplication tables or bouncing a baby on one hip while fielding emails with a nondominant hand. The cooking projects may call us, but they’ll have to wait.…

How to Cook Now

Good morning. I miss restaurants. I miss the bustle of them when everyone in them is in sync, from the customers in the dining room to the cooks in the kitchen, the hosts and captains and servers seeing around corners, hospitality phasers set to stun. I miss the clatter and hum, the music of conversation,…

Cupid in Quarantine

Long ago, my man and I agreed to do what’s called “Living Apart Together,” or LAT. Even if we ever marry, I intend to keep my pad in Manhattan and spend a couple nights there alone every week. During this global tragedy, however, we are, by necessity, now living together full time. It has its…

Damage From OxyContin Continues to Be Revealed

OxyContin, and the aggressive, misleading way that Purdue Pharma marketed it, might have been even more damaging than was previously understood. Recent research shows how the company focused its marketing in states with lighter prescription regulation — to devastating effect. Also, a new version of OxyContin introduced a decade ago — which was meant to…

Why am I having weird dreams lately?

The question of whether “anyone else” has “been having” strange dreams (“lately”) is perennially popular online. It is a spooky yet comforting query: Has anyone else stumbled onto possible evidence that the universe possesses a finite metaphysical infrastructure occasionally detected by the subconscious? In recent weeks, however, the question has been posed with increasing frequency.…