How to Substitute Flours

Baking is a science, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to make substitutions. With some guidance, you’ll be able to substitute different flours into a single recipe. But you’ll just want to keep a few things in mind, notably protein content and the moisture. This guide is by no means comprehensive — it may not…

How to Find (and Discuss) Natural Wines

Natural wines don’t easily fit as quick recommendations. They are generally made in minute quantities, which makes specific bottles hard to find. A better way to discover the world of natural wine is through the time-honored practice of shopping by importer. Some importers specialize in natural wines, but many offer blended portfolios. (Also, seeking out…

A Frank Talk About Fat

Marisa Meltzer will spare you the euphemisms. She’s not curvy or plus-size. Nor is she, as one of her dates genteelly put it, “carrying extra weight.” She is fat, she says plainly, a state she describes with a mixture of resignation and grit. Ms. Meltzer, who has dieted for most of her life, sometimes rigorously…

How Does a New Yawker Tawk?

Surfacing The #BestNYAccent challenge on Instagram brought out the sound of an unflappable city. For a city whose residents have been cooped inside for weeks, taking to pot-and-pan clanging, conch-shell blowing and clapping out of windows to express themselves publicly, the arrival last week of the #BestNYAccent challenge on Instagram was a chance for catharsis.…

Benefits of Eating Keto Breakfast Cereals

Nowadays, people are obsessed with living a healthier lifestyle. This includes incorporating regular exercising as well as following a healthy balanced diet. One of the diets that are increasing in popularity, is the keto (ketogenic) diet. It’s basically a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet similar to the Atkins diet. A reduction in carbohydrates puts the body into…