Brioni Girds for Men’s Wear Combat

FLORENCE, Italy — Consistency is a tough sell in an age of obsolescence. Say what you will about sustainability, few 21st-century habits die harder than consume and discard. Thus, when a label like Brioni decides to celebrate its 75th anniversary with an elaborately staged presentation in a Renaissance palace and follow it with a seated…

You Don’t Need a Recipe, Part XVII

Good morning. I was on the road the last few days and there wasn’t as much cooking as I’d have liked but the eating was grand: Josh Berry’s butter-aged steak at Union in Portland, Maine; the almond croissants Michelle Berry makes at Moonbat in Belfast; pretty much the whole menu at Jon Merry’s River House…

Even NASCAR Drivers Need a Stylist

“All the stylists must still be on holiday.” “She looks like she lost her stylist.” So went some of the Twitter asides on Sunday evening as Golden Globes watchers took to social media to variously applaud and excoriate their favorite celebrities and the clothes they chose to wear on the red carpet. After all, it…

Real Men Don’t Rent

ImageCredit…Photo Illustration by The New York Times; Getty Images There’s only one problem as the growing clothing rental market inches toward offering men’s wear: Guys may not buy in. Jan. 8, 2020 A little more than a decade ago, a pair of Harvard Business School students founded Rent the Runway, a platform for renting special-occasion…

The Perfect Cake for Your Coffee Break

“Coffee and” was an expression I heard all the time as a kid. From early morning until late in the afternoon, the aroma that filled the kitchen, wafted through the living room and wisped its way up the stairs was coffee, Chock Full o’ Nuts specifically. The coffeepot burbled steadily in our house, always ready…