10 Ways to Be Just Friends with a Guy

Whatever people may say, the friendship between the sexes is possible. After all, we are not primitive people, who are guided by their instincts and the harsh realities of evolution. We are granted with feelings, reason, and social norms of behavior. If you’re lucky enough to have a friend of the opposite sex, let this…

6 Simple Ways to Treat Insomnia

Chronic insomnia is a condition that is manifested by difficulty falling asleep, frequent night or early morning awakenings, daytime sleepiness despite keeping regular hours. Everyone suffers from insomnia from time to time – it is caused by stress. When the provoking factor is eliminated, sleep is restored. If stress is not the reason, and problems…

Shopping Guide: Shopping for Coat Trees

When your closet is bursting with winters coats — or you’re living in a small space without any closet at all — a few extra hooks can help relieve the pressure. That’s where a coat tree can prove invaluable. “In a tighter space, it’s about making space,” said Dan Mazzarini, the principal of BHDM Design,…