Pregnancy brings much joy for the mum-to-be, however, many women worry about the changes their body undergoes during this time, especially when it comes to stretch marks. These unsightly stripes that appear on the body are a real problem women all over the world have to put up with. Not only do they look unattractive, but they are hard to remove and sometimes they remain on the body forever. Since they appear most often during weight gain and pregnancy, there are specific methods to minimize the risk of stretch marks.
Why do stretch marks appear during pregnancy?
While a baby is growing inside the woman, her skin undergoes significant changes. The collagen fibers in its composition weaken, and the skin begins to stretch more, day by day. The weakening of collagen fibers is associated with an increased production of the hormone cortisol. Under the influence of cortisol, collagen fibers are less resistant to stretching, which causes them to break, and the skin begins to disperse. This is how the stretch marks arise. They first appear as small stripes, which increase over time, making them more and more difficult to get rid of. That is why prevention is most important – adequate care for the body during pregnancy will help protect future mothers from this problem.
Does every pregnant woman deal with stretch marks?
Fortunately, not every woman has to put up with stretch marks, but according to research, a majority have to put up with them. This condition may also arise due to your own genetic makeup. If women in your family have a history of stretch marks, there is a strong possibility that you may inherit them as well.
Whether stretch marks appear or not is also influenced by rapid weight gain. If you suddenly start to gain weight during pregnancy, the skin begins to stretch very quickly, and as a result, collagen fibers cannot withstand the sudden increase and begin to break, producing stretch marks.
How to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy?
As the old proverb goes: “Prevention is better than cure” – and it applies perfectly in the case of stretch marks, as preventing them is much easier than the countless attempts to remove them, especially in the case of deep and extensive ones. To prevent stretch marks during pregnancy, it is worth following a few rules.
Maintaining a balanced diet
Pregnant women should eat well, and not just for the sake of the unborn child. A proper diet has a huge impact on the health and the future mother should, therefore, add more vegetables, fruits, and milk products to their diet to provide their body (and skin) with appropriate nutrients. Zinc-rich foods also help take care of the skin, so it should not be excluded from the diet. Adding foods such as lean meat, peas, pumpkin seeds, giblets, buckwheat, and cheese to the diet is a must.
Physical activity
Physical exercise is known to help keep the body in good shape – this also applies to pregnant women. It is clear that women who are expecting must not strain too much, but if they do not experience any pain or pressure, it is worth doing some light outdoor activities. Activity affects the muscle tone and properly oxygenates the skin, as well as effectively reduces stretch marks.
Stretch mark cream for pregnant women
When choosing a cream for stretch marks, it is worth visiting your local pharmacy. With the help of a pharmacist, you will be sure that you have chosen a good and most importantly a safe cosmetic. It is important to make sure the anti-stretchmark cream is dedicated for pregnant women. Only such a product will guarantee safety for your baby. The cream should firm and restore the skin, providing a proper level of hydration. When applying the cream, make sure to rub it in evenly into your skin and in areas prone to producing stretch marks.
About the author – Juliusz is a writer at Versum – Beauty Salon Software.