What to Cook: What to Cook Today

Good morning. I made enough turkey stock this year that I could freeze a few quarts for use this winter. The rest I used to make gumbo, employing the no-recipe technique I champion each Wednesday in this space. And if like many Americans you currently have turkey stock — or leftover chicken stock — on…

Magical Gifts Inspired by the Elements but Shaped by the Hand

Image CreditPhotograph by Anthony Cotsifas. Styled by Jill Nicholls From left: Abigail Brown coati sculpture, $515, abigail-brown.co.uk. Asprey fox-head decanter, $3,300, (212) 688-1811. Louis Vuitton Les Petits Nomades flowers by Atelier Oï (scattered throughout), price on request, louisvuitton.com. Sam Tho Duong pearl and silver necklace, $26,400, gogotho.de. Kirk Maxson “Jack London Oak” sculpture, $3,000, eleanorharwood.com.…