You Need Only 7 Ingredients

It’s been a busy week over here at New York Times Cooking. We published “Dinner in Seven Ingredients (or Even Fewer!)” — a collection of 24 recipes that shows you how to make the most out of very little. It will appear as a special section in the newspaper on Sunday, so you’ll have all…

Why Is My Husband Marrying Her?

As Josh’s bride approached him at the altar, a strange voice rose from my psyche, catching me by surprise. “There goes your husband,” it said. And for a second I felt certain that Josh, now minutes from saying, “I do,” was supposed to be marrying me. This moment of prescience, while jarring, was surprisingly easy…

Dressing for the Age of Anxiety

MILAN — What is it with inflation? Of all the crises currently roiling the globe that might capture the minds of designers, this is the pain point that is turning into a trend? Apparently so, judging from the opening days of the Milan shows. First, Glenn Martens of Diesel set his show around a quartet…