A New Coronavirus Threat to Children

The coronavirus has largely spared children. Most confirmed to be infected have had only mild symptoms. But doctors in Europe and the United States have recently reported a troubling new phenomenon: Some children are becoming seriously ill with symptoms that can involve inflammation in the skin, eyes, blood vessels and heart. The condition, which doctors…

Yoga May Help Ease Migraines

Yoga may help migraine sufferers get some relief, a new study suggests. Medications are the first-line treatment for migraine, but they work for only about half of patients, and many drugs have side effects that make about 10 percent of people stop using them. Researchers in India randomized 114 patients with episodic migraines to one…

Hoping Llamas Will Become Coronavirus Heroes

Winter is a 4-year-old chocolate-colored llama with spindly legs, ever-so-slightly askew ears and envy-inducing eyelashes. Some scientists hope she might be an important figure in the fight against the novel coronavirus. She is not a superpowered camelid. Winter was simply the lucky llama chosen by researchers in Belgium, where she lives, to participate in a…

Coronavirus Live News and Updates

Here’s what you need to know: ImageLuxury stores on a street in Milan last week. The Italian economy is predicted to shrink by more than 9 percent this year.Credit…Alessandro Grassani for The New York Times A deep recession and ballooning unemployment in Europe darken the global economic picture. The European Union’s economy is set to shrink…

World Coronavirus Tracker

Here’s what you need to know: ImageIn Rome last week. The Italian economy has already experienced a sharp downturn, and worse is expected.Credit…Nadia Shira Cohen for The New York Times Nations tackle lockdown next steps. Chancellor Angela Merkel is expected on Wednesday to lay out Germany’s plan for its next phase of the coronavirus response…

Getting Kids to Move More

When we asked readers recently what they wanted to know about the coronavirus and exercise, many parents responded with variations of the question — or in some instances, the cri de coeur — of how do I get my kids to move more and stop sitting all day in front of laptops, phones and televisions?…