Florence Is Burning

FLORENCE, Italy — Radical queer energy is eternal. For millenniums it has endured suppression, oppression, legal, religious and moral sanction, torture, witch hunts, pogroms, a holocaust, caricature and stereotype and several plagues. Yet it survives and thrives in all its subversive glory, surfacing in the most unlikely of places. Take, for example, Anna Konda. This…

At Prada, It’s in With the Old

MILAN — Just about the last “ism” no one gets noisy about is the one regarding age. Fashion, in particular, has been a chronic offender, fetishizing millennials and tapping a foot while waiting for the olds to pack up and check into a home. It is common business knowledge that baby boomers outspend consumers from…

This Way to the Pandemic Exit

MILAN — Sometimes it’s the random adjacencies that make you savor life. You can’t exactly call it coincidence — or even entirely unexpected — that one moment during fashion week you find yourself sitting at Zegna corporate headquarters viewing a men’s wear show from a venerable house that went public, and abruptly ditched its trademark…