Lecciones históricas sobre la resiliencia

Y ahora, Estados Unidos se enfrenta a una pandemia que ha enfermado y matado de manera desproporcionada a los estadounidenses de color, quienes conforman buena parte de la mano de obra esencial pero tienen menos probabilidades de acceder a la atención médica. Mientras los gobiernos federales y estatales gestionan el despliegue de las vacunas, el…

Maple Syrup Making Also Boomed as a Pandemic Hobby

Stress-baking and panic shopping. Vegetable regrowing and crafting. Now we can add another hobby to a year of quarantine trends: backyard maple sugaring. Among the many indicators that it’s on the rise: a run on at-home evaporators and other syrup-making accouterments. A surge in traffic and subscriptions to maple-syrup-making websites and trade publications. And, of…

Fewer breast cancer cases between screening rounds with 3D-mammography

3D-mammography reduces the number of breast cancer cases diagnosed in the period between routine screenings, when compared with traditional mammography, according to a large study from Lund University in Sweden. The results are published in the journal Radiology. “Our results indicate that 3D-mammography, or digital breast tomosynthesis, possibly detects cancers that would otherwise have been…